Tuesday, October 2, 2012

My Memories Suite - Freebie

Accessing Your Freebies

You will now access the freebies through the store, instead of as a direct download. This means that if you ever buy a new computer, your computer crashes, or you accidentally delete a file, you will be able to access it in your My Downloads section of your MyMemories Account. You will now have to have a MyMemories account to access the downloads. Accounts are always free.

Get $10. off Making Memories Software using my code: STMMMS38684.

Remember that the Halloween and Super Hero Masks are still up for only ONE more week!!  More will always come!




All of our Freebies will now be MyMemories Suite Compatible.  What does that mean??? It means that you can now load the freebies directly into your MyMemories Suite Software, and then completely customize them with any paper and embellishments that you have.  If they don't have the software, they can still download the sample project and the elements, but they will not be able to customize their project.

Using MyMemories Software to Customize your Masks
  1. Download template file and install it into your software
  2. Using MyMemories Suite, choose Create Album From Designer Template and find your project
  3. Now you can print and enjoy the provided template, or customize it with your own papers and embellishments.

You can right-click on the white guide and lock it in place to keep it from moving while you are working. Make sure this is the top layer of your project before printing.

Just SAVE and PRINT on cardstock!

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